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Dr. Daisy & Co is proud to introduce our first-ever

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Non-Diet Health Class

Why are we teaching a health class?

Because the curriculum of Middle and High School health class promotes dieting and is taught by non-licensed health professionals. In fact, many of our teen clients feel like their disordered eating started by things they learned in health class at school! So, we are teaching a NON-DIET HEALTH CLASS of our own. 

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Teens will learn the truth about health and wellness within a non-diet, weight neutral, gender and neurodiverse inclusive framework. Our 4-week class is taught by the DMV’s most esteemed Registered Dietitians at Dr. Daisy & Co. Not to brag, but we work hard to be this awesome.

Your kids will have the opportunity to learn, share,

ask questions, and create a custom plan to be the best version of themselves now and for years to come.

Purple Glow

Nutrition and Health Topics covered:

  • WEEK 1: Nutrition 101 - Myth Busters! Teens will learn nutrition fundamentals - what their body really needs and why. 

  • WEEK 2: Beyond Body Image - We will talk about body image beliefs and cultural influences. Teens will learn how to build a better body image so that they can honor their body with kindness and respect. 

  • WEEK 3: Movement and Exercise - How much is enough? What kind of exercise is best? We will answer these questions and more during our exercise power hour!

  • WEEK 4: Self-Care Skills - Learn the tools and healthy habits your teen needs for mind-body self-regulation. Self-regulation is hard! Your teen will create a custom plan with activities and self-talk strategies that work for them.  

Class details:

  • When:  New class starting 2023

  • This is a virtual class - we will be meeting over zoom. You’ll get a zoom meeting ID at the time of registration. 

  • All-genders and  all middle and high schoolers are welcome to register.

Teens do not need to be clients of Dr. Daisy & Co. If your child is struggling with disordered eating or dieting, please give us a call to discuss fit

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